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What are traffic sandbags?

Traffic sandbags are traffic control devices that help traffic signs and signals to stand on the road. They are used as a weight to hold down temporary barricades, stop signs, highway signs, and other traffic control signs.

Typically, roads with construction projects change traffic patterns or, due to some major events, have more traffic, and you need to ensure that these signs and barricades will remain in place. This is where sandbags serve their job and aid in holding these traffic signs on roads.

Traffic sandbags or called sand bags used for traffic safety management

Top 5 frequently asked questions about traffic sandbags!

People often remain confused about sandbags and their efficacy in traffic management. Their questions are also worth wondering because no one wants to compromise traffic safety and wants a traffic control plan to avoid hazards.

This safety is only ensured with the proper display of road signs.

So, here you get frequently asked questions about sandbags:

  • The first question that comes to everyone’s mind is about the uses of sandbags. If you know the uses of sandbags, you may find them the most basic ones, but there are multiple uses.
    The most obvious is in traffic control as they serve as a weight to support temporary road traffic signs. You don’t need any heavy force to do this. Just fill the sandbag and place it with the traffic signs as best as possible. It could be the iron rod or stand with the sign, so adjust these sacks to avoid displacement.
  • The average life of sandbags is the second most important question; therefore, you should know that sandbags can last for months to years, depending on their material.
  • You must be concerned about whether sandbags are waterproof, especially in areas where road signs are located near drainage.
  • If you think sandbags are disposable, this is not true because they are reusable, and you can store them appropriately to use later on.
  • Additionally, there are other ways to use sandbags, like flood protection or stopping water from entering a building.
Questions and answers

Are there any alternative devices to sandbags?

Sandbags are relatively quick and easy-to-use traffic control measures, but you must know other handy alternatives. Sometimes sandbags are not readily available, and you must immediately deploy traffic signs on intersections or city streets.

You can benefit from Eco Blocks in these conditions, mostly used as paving bricks in pedestrians or vehicular areas. These are environmentally friendly bricks made from recycled materials and construction waste.

A plus point of Eco Blocks is you can make them visible by coating their surface with bright-coloured paint. Here you need to decide how many blocks are required to hold traffic signs.

Thus, the number varies depending on the traffic signs. For instance, if you want to place a speed limit sign with a vertical rod, you need at least two blocks to hold it at its position.

On the other hand, road sign stands may need support just from one side. So you can better access the number of these supporting blocks or bricks for particular signage.

Traffic safety is so important that you should not resist doing do-it-yourself activities to play your part. If there is plenty of traffic and you do not find sandbags to arrange traffic signs, make them yourself.

Find a few garbage bags and fill them with sand. Before adding soil, ensure they are not perforated and can withstand road conditions for some time.

Secondly, you can use waste sacks or pillowcases for this purpose, which will help you in this hour of need.

When you find an alternative to sandbags, you can confidently place construction, parking, regulatory, federal highway, stop, yield, and other guide signs.

Two Eco blocks stacked on the ground

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    Are traffic sandbags visible on roads?

    Traffic sandbags are visible on the road, and drivers can easily get their presence due to their bright colour. Here you must not forget that some other factors also count in the visibility of sandbags, like whether they are made of fabric or some inert material.

    Fabric sandbags are not waterproof and absorb water. This water absorption makes the soil muddy that comes outside and makes sandbags dirty. Such sandbags of even bright colours no longer remain visible.

    On the other hand, sandbags of some inert material like plastic or PVC are waterproof and do not take in stormwater or rainwater. The filled soil remains dry all the time, and you can say the colour of the sandbags remains untouched.

    You can use these highly visible traffic sandbags needed for advance warning signs, name signs, signposts, pedestrian signals, street name signs, or directional signs.

    Several orange sandbags are stacked together by the roadside.

    What are the different types of traffic sandbags?

    You can find different types of sandbags in the market, and the main difference arises in their construction material. Review their features and characteristics before selecting a particular variety in these sacks to get maximum advantage.

    Doing so will benefit you more from the best traffic sandbags. So, here are the main types of traffic sandbags.

    Burlap sandbags

    Burlap, also called Hessian in the UK, is a densely woven fabric created from jute to make sandbags. Burlap sandbags are the most commonly used bags for temporarily placing traffic signs and posts on roads.

    You can find untreated burlap sacks at feed or hardware stores, or you may have some at your place. Burlap sandbags have both pros and cons. For instance, they are the least expensive and spend almost nothing to use as traffic control devices.

    But the major downside of burlap sandbags is they will eventually rot under heat, cold, and dust. Additionally, they are not waterproof; only moisture is enough to destroy them.

    Many burlap sandbags, also called hessian sandbags, are stacked together.

    Woven polypropylene sandbags

    Woven propylene is a modern plastic textile used to make sandbags. These sandbags are more durable than burlap but eventually get damaged.

    Four white woven polypropylene sandbags are placed together in front of a rosy red wooden door.

    PVC sandbags

    PVC is another plastic version widely used to manufacture sandbags and other traffic safety products. PVC sandbags stand above all because of weather resistance and other qualities.

    They are absolutely waterproof and do not allow water to dampen the soil. Additionally, their bright colour remains intact in changing weather, making them highly visible day and night.

    An orange traffic sandbag designed with a black string used for traffic safety purpose


    Traffic sandbags are easy-to-use traffic management devices that help hold traffic signs with their weight. You can take already filled sandbags and use them as you want to stand road signs or take empty bags and fill them according to your requirements.

    The purpose is to give pedestrians and other road users a safety barrier. School buses, motorists, emergency vehicles and other vehicular traffic find this safety equipment, and signs indicate to follow the rules of the road.

    So when parking lots, city streets or highways have high traffic due to a change in the route, use sandbags and give everyone the right of the way.



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