What is a Zebra cycle lane separator?

Cycle lane separators are designed to make cycle lanes more visible to motorised vehicle drivers so that they do not enter the cycle lane.

They are ideal for establishing bus-only lanes, cycle lanes and dividing a road into two parts to keep vehicle traffic within their lanes.

Zebra cycle lane separators are one of the globally used brands of lane separators that have unparalleled stripes to make them more visible to the vehicle driver. Their upper surface is hump-like, which helps in deflecting stray motorised vehicles.

This article explains everything you need to know about Zebra cycle lane separators

Do you want to know more about this topic? We also have an article talking about a brief purchasing guide of cycle lane separators.

Black cycle lane separators with white stripes design to make safe lanes for cyclists

Zebra cycle lane separator

Zebra cycle lane separators are given this name because of the presence of zebra-like stripes on their surface. They have asymmetrical stripes of different colours and sizes. They are reflective and help make lane dividers more visible to bicyclists (also called cyclists and bikers), pedestrians, and motor vehicle drivers/motorists.

Zebra cycle lane separators are a traffic management tool that the Department of Transportation uses to control bicycle transportation and city transportation. They are actually a multi-use tool that you can install on roads for other purposes as well. You will read those uses or roles in the next sections of the article.

Tracks for biking and walking people, including cycle paths (also called bicycle routes, bike routes, cycling tracks, protected bike lanes, bike-friendly bikeways, cycle tracks, and bike paths), roadways, and separate lanes for motor traffic, become secure for them if they are segregated with Zebra cycle lane separators.

When you use these line dividers, you do not have to construct separate lanes on roads. You can simply fix these lane separators on an existing road to segregate it into two pathways – one for heavy vehicle traffic and the other for bicycle traffic.

Zebra cycle lane separators installed on the road to separate cycle lanes from motor vehicle lanes

How to install a Zebra cycle lane separator?

If you are installing a Zebra cycle lane separator on concrete or thick asphalt roads, here are the steps that you must follow.

Step 1: Place the lane divider in the area where you want to install it. You can install them parallel to a roadway, travel lane, bike lane, or cycleway (also named bicycle lane, bikeway, bike path, cycle lane, cycle path, bike route, cycle infrastructure, and bicycle infrastructure).

You can also place them at a particular angle in an oblique position. Make sure the denser markings or stripes are in the direction of motor vehicles. Mark the nut position according to the moulded holes made on Zebra separators.

Step 2: Get a high-speed hammer drill to make holes in the marked area. Remove debris and dust with a broom or any other thing that is easily available.

Step 3: Put lag anchors inside the holes in the pavement. Insert them inside holes such that they are completely even with the road surface.

Step 4: Get rid of the protective release paper attached at the bottom of the separator. Remove dust or any other thing that is present in your desired area. Position the Zebra lane separator such that each hole is rightly positioned above the anchor.

Step 5: Insert bolts inside each bolt hole of the separator and tighten each bolt separately. Do not overtighten the bolt because doing so can damage the lane divider, and you may spend more on tool repair or replacement.

Step 6: Place caps above each mounting hole of the Zebra lane separator so that water, dust or other things do not enter the mounting hole.

Step 7: If there is any adhesive left at the edges of the Zebra lane divider, remove it with a knife to make the area clean.

A person is pre-drilling a hole in the ground to install black and white zebra lane dividers.

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    How is the Zebra cycle lane separator different from other lane separators?

    There is a huge variety of lane separators available in the market. All of them differ from each other on the basis of their shape, size, colour, material, design, and some other prominent features.

    Though they look different from each other, they are used for the same purpose, which is to segregate a cycle track (also called a street bike or new bike track, bicycling route, cycling track), on-street parking (also named bike parking, bicycle parking, street parking), and pedestrian route to reduce collisions, crashes, and life-threatening accidents.

    Zebra cycle lane separators differ from other brands, particularly on the basis of their unique shape and stripe pattern. They are used to create physically separated lanes for cyclists and motorists to increase bicycle safety and make people feel protected on roads.

    It has a hump-like structure and does not have edges, making it easier to deflect stray vehicles that may accidentally drive over a separator. The markings on the hump improve its visibility and make it attractive compared to plain lane separators. They do not provide space for bollards and other signs compared to some other forms of lane separators.

    Zebra bicycle lane separators installed on the road together with road markings for traffic safety purpose

    Facts about Zebra cycle lane separator

    If you are planning to use Zebra separators to offer security to a bicyclist and motorist, you should read its facts to comprehend if it is the right choice for you:

    • Suitable for any kind of road

    These lane separators can be installed on almost any kind of road. Whether the road is even or uneven, asphalt or concrete, you can fit these lane separators to create bus-only lanes or bicycle lanes.

    • Resistant to bad weather and impact

    Zebra lane separators are manufactured of sturdy and resilient material, making the product able to withstand different weather and environmental factors.

    • Minimal environmental impact

    Since this product is made up of recyclable material, it produces the least impact on the environment and helps in reducing the production of greenhouse gases.

    Black and white lane dividers made of 100% recycled plastic manufactured by Zebra.
    • Minimal intervention during installation

    It does not require road excavation when installed on roads or roundabouts. You will not have to block the traffic for days because these products can be bolted into the ground in minutes without any delays.

    • Attractive design

    The zebra stripes make it look attractive wherever it is installed. It will help you enhance the beauty of the place where you install it.

    • Deflect stray vehicles

    Its hump-like structure helps deflect stray vehicles and reduces the number of fatalities by many times.

    • Come in different colours

    The base colour of Zebra lane separators is generally black, but the stripes are of different colours, such as white, yellow, blue, and red, so you can select any colour according to the area where you want to install the tool.

    Black zebra lane separators with different colour of stripes, like blue, green, white, red, and yellow.


    Like other forms of lane separators, Zebra cycle lane dividers have characteristics that make them unique and effective in their own way.

    People mostly install them for light segregation of cycle lanes and to make them safe for cyclists. They are small in size compared to other forms of lane separators. However, they come in different heights, lengths, and widths, allowing people to select a product according to their needs.

    Zebra lane separators are reflective and can also have reflective glass eyes that enhance their visibility. You can use them to separate lanes, parking areas, roundabouts, etc.



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