The Complete Guide about XPT Wheel Stops!
Wheel stops are excellent traffic control measures used to limit the movement of a vehicle in a parking space and allow drivers to park vehicles accurately. The drivers can stop cars once their wheels are locked before hitting any parking lot walls.
In this way, the damage to property, landscape, road users and sidewalks is prevented with wheel stops.
Normally, you can buy wheel stops from the market or online, but researching brands before making a final deal helps to choose the best product, so these parking kerb brands can make this process easy.
XPT is also one of the wheel stop brands, and here you can find everything about XPT wheel stops.
Do you want to know more about this topic? We also have an article talking about a brief guide for buying wheel stoppers.

What are the specifications of XPT wheel stops?
XPT wheel stops are made from rubber and do not break, crack or chip while in use. They are a good choice to mark separation for cars and other vehicles in public, private or commercial parking zones.
Above all, you can use these wheel stops indoors and outdoors because they don’t affect heat or cold.
Here are some detailed characteristics of XPT wheel stops:
- The material of XPT wheel stops allows vehicles to stop in their position without affecting the tyre or vehicle body. Some wheel stops are rigid to ruin wheel alignment or axle structure, but these wheel stops have no bad impact in parking lots.
- You can find XPT wheel stops in black with white or yellow markings. Typically, ten markings per wheel stop are highly visible against black rubber. Four reflective markings are on each side, with single colourations on both corners.
If you travel in a dark or low-light area where XPT wheel stops are installed, their identification is easier than surface-painted parking blocks. The markings are moulded to increase visibility.
- XPT wheel stops can be installed on different road surfaces, including concrete or tarmac, with bolts, screws, and fitting plates.
- XPT wheel stops are 1,800 mm long and suitable for cars and vans. They prevent vans and LGVs from moving past a certain point and avoid impacting infrastructure or pedestrians.
The long wheel stops also make a barrier and prevent the car bonnet from hitting the mirror or extending to the curb.
- Each wheel stop has pre-drilled holes that allow it to be installed quickly. You don’t need to add extra effort to make holes in the XPT wheel stop.

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What are the best places to use XPT wheel stops?
Wheel stops are an economical solution for managing traffic on roads with huge traffic volumes and securing markets and shops from collision accidents.
Sometimes, teen drivers don’t have enough driving skills to park cars carefully and cannot accurately park cars despite all efforts. They either damage other cars or the shop setup.
So, there are some main places where XPT wheel stops can be installed:
- Hospitals, clinics and parking lots of medical care areas have huge traffic volumes. In addition to general public cars, emergency vehicles and ambulances need to be carefully parked without affecting anyone around. So, XPT wheel stops can be installed at these sites to align parking and secure buildings.
- Many people visit shopping markets, plazas, and stores and assuring their traffic safety should be the first concern of the authorities. XPT wheel stops allow vehicles to be accurately parked without hitting other vehicles.
- XPT wheel stops discourage fatalities in office parking and boost their confidence to move or restrict vehicles based on the placement of XPT wheel stops.
- Neighbours often remain offended by your vehicle’s low-speed impact on their premises. If you are new to driving and don’t have good driving skills, it is better to place wheel stops at your entrance so your inexperience would not trouble others. This will also help to learn proper parking techniques.
- You can use these wheel stops where passenger and school vans are parked. At one time or another, drivers over-shot parking spaces and make contact with another stationary vehicle. While it is quite dangerous in loaded motor vehicles, it must be avoided with proper wheel stop placement. Lastly, wheel stops give parking solutions at any site where parking needs to be managed.

How do XPT wheel stops help in parking spaces?
As XPT wheel stops are long, two units are required per parking space. One for the front wheels and the second for the rear-end wheels. Using this sequence, you can make parking infrastructure with proper spacing so the front and rear wheels are spaced from the walking area.
The wheel stop material is not slippery and prevents vibrations during car parking. Thus, it helps rear-wheel-drive or front-wheel-drive cars to stop at the right spot.
You can place them in front of your home to prevent car contact with your garage door, house wall, planters or other obstacles. The wheel stops also prevent accidental bumps caused by reversing the garden wall.
Above all, parking outside is difficult in the cold because the foggy mirrors do not give the ideal location of the parking spot, and you accidentally collide with the wall.
To avoid this problem, you either have someone to assist your car parking or take control of steering based on assumption. While wheel stops near pavement, maintain a reasonable distance between walkways and cars.
Signage, traffic signs, speed-limit signs, stop signs, parking signs, speed signs, and other traffic control devices help safely park cars and other vehicles.
Similarly, if you are parking in driveways, buses or passenger cars, keep a margin of a pedestrian crossing with the distance between each vehicle.
In spacious parking lots with huge traffic volume, it is also necessary to use traffic cones, speed tables, ramps, speed bumps, speed humps, speed cushions, rumble strips and other traffic-management devices to slow down speeding vehicles.

Is XPT wheel stop installation difficult?
The installation of XPT wheel stops is not different from wheel stoppers of any other brand. The fasteners required to install wheel stops may differ depending on the surface where you need to place them.
You may need different fittings for gravel and concrete surfaces to ensure wheel stops are fixed but do not move when pressure is applied.
Similarly, wear protective gear and arrange a wrench, washers, bearings, socket, leveller, gasket, and mounting brackets to tightly secure wheel stops.
Plus, read clear instructions in the product manual, check the fixtures and arrange tools accordingly.
Transportation engineers make wheel stops with proper fittings, so don’t try to include or remove additional accessories. It will give nothing but can damage the fitting of your wheel stoppers.
Plus, use a leveller and keep a proper distance of wheel stops from curbs to prevent hazards. This helps in traffic calming and makes crosswalks plus roadways safe.

Wheel stops or parking blocks help heavy-duty vehicles, trailer wheels, trucks, car wheels, motorcycle wheels, and even bicycles lock their wheels during parking. Sometimes, vehicles moving at high miles per hour (mph) speed go out of control when parking at their positions.
In these cases, wheel stops do a great deal to stop them, and if not installed, vehicles’ front bumper or bonnet can collide with pedestrians, buildings or other stationary objects.
For a personal parking area, you can also place a speed bump, speed table, rumble strip, or ramp for additional assistance. Pedestrian safety will be ensured when everything is perfect, and everyone will have the right of way.